7 Essential items to Consider in Hybrid Events Management

One of the most dreaded topics in the events industry is budgeting for hybrid events. Hybrid events are a way to bridge the gap between traditional and digital marketing. It takes experience, strategy knowledge, and creativity to make your event stand out from all others while also appealing financially with this new type of budgeting[…]

5 Simple Steps to Get Started In Event Planning

Being an event planner, manager or marketer is not easy work. But it can be rewarding if you’re willing to put in the time and energy required for success. The events industry changes often, so there are always new challenges ahead of us – how will one prepare themselves? Event planning is an exciting field[…]

Corporate Planning for a Successful Event in 2022

Corporate events are necessary for every company to communicate different things to the community. For example, a company might announce changes to the company policy or have a new product release. Corporate events show employees the new guidelines, products, and changes, which keeps the company’s image up. However, the cost of running a corporate event[…]

A look at the current state of event technology labour

As the event industry starts to rebound from the pandemic, event planners are finding that the labour market has changed. The experienced event techs who survived the tough times are in high demand and command high prices. At the same time, a wave of new labour is coming in, but they are not as experienced.[…]

Why You Should Incorporate Metaverse Events Into Your Event Strategy

The Metaverse is the next big event; event professionals should start getting on board. Metaverse events double down on experiences, offering a more immersive and interactive way to enjoy events. And while traditional events are here to stay, metaverse events provide a more community-focused way to connect with others. Event professionals have much to offer[…]

Your Digital Assistant: A Chatbot

The future of speech recognition is changing how we interact with our technology. Chatbots and digital assistants have become our trusted companions at home, work or on the go. They can help you manage your schedule to fulfil requests of all kinds, including weather information, news updates as well anything related to events happening nearby,[…]

Reinvigorate Special Events Sponsorship Program

Sponsorship sales are an essential aspect of most production budgets. If you want your sponsors to keep coming back, they must have a good experience at the event and come away feeling satisfied with what was accomplished during their time there. Moreover, in a world where the competition for sponsors has never been greater, it’s[…]

The Event Marketing Formula: 7 Ways to Measure the Success of Your Event

As events and experiential marketing have become one of the most powerful forms of branding, there are many reasons why they are so effective. Experiences are always more profound than contacting someone through email or cold call – they need to be seen firsthand in order for them to be taken seriously. Today, with the[…]

Risk of Downtime in Events Management

“The great threat to a successful strategy is the risk of downtime,” said Mike Rowe on The Real Clear Strategy Podcast. As technology continues to change the way we live, it seems obvious that adopting new technology is inevitable. However, when adopting new technologies, there are many factors to consider and monitor. To avoid disruption[…]

The Event Marketing Formula: 7 Ways to Measure the Success of Your Event

As events and experiential marketing have become one of the most powerful forms of branding, there are many reasons why they are so effective. Experiences are always more profound than contacting someone through email or cold call – they need to be seen firsthand in order for them to be taken seriously. Today, with the[…]